November 19, 2011

Whisper of a Soul

A whisper scrapes my cheek,
a whisper of the night,
a whisper of a sunrise,
of pink, blue, white.

“Nice to see you,
            who are you?”

I don’t wear a nametag, for
what good would that
it would become covered in Drops
of Moonlight and
Dust of Daylight that
would fade the lines, blur the ink, make me illegible,
And untrue.

These Drops of Moonlight and
Drops of Daylight, they sprinkle:
adding a glimmer to my soul.
I’ll smile, I’ll laugh,
I’ll do a little dance,
(the nobody-is-watching dance,)
I’m proud to play my role.

As I walk among the Night
things, crickets fill my ears with,
their sad song, their love song,
their all-night-every-night
kind of song:
reminding me they’re near.

The Music ignites an ember,
the ember ignites the flames.
soon enough my
entire body
sways with symphonies in my veins.
The colors fill my brain with the
universe's story,
I close my eyes, open my
take Life’s inventory.

And the Morning, it
as all Nights must.
So begins the day, the
daylight dust.

It’s not the dirty dust, the
kind of cough and sneeze,
it’s the kind of glitter made to make
you wonder and wander the paths of your mind.
Never does it displease.

So I stand underneath the
sun when a
curious sound I hear,
it’s a gentle HUM, a soothing
the kind of Music of
which flowers appear.
The HUM could only mean
one thing:
the universe is alive, entwined.
The thoughts of mine,
thoughts of yours,
this hum will cause the bind.

Paint a canvas in more than black sharpie, and when you run out of space, cover your bedroom walls with the Music of crickets and colors of voices, Dust of the sun, Drops of the moon, the way a HUM looks, and when you have finished,
Write on your heart.

I think you’ll find,
you and me,
we play a very
similar part. 

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