April 24, 2012

Dark Blue

Screaming doesn't always do justice to feelings 
and sometimes they are all too strong,
too fast,
too incredible for words. 
To smash a keyboard seems more justified, 
to jump out a window with a parachute upside down backwards topless whathaveyou.
I want to feel.
I want to feel the rush of blood from the waves of 
millions of poets pumping and pushing making me breathe
crashing down in my soul.
I want to feel the distant hours tick away knowing that maybe today is the day.
Today is the day, 
I said as the symphony played on.
What do you expect from me? 
What do you expect from me?
It's been 370 days, but not that I'm counting.
Nothing is here but dark blue,
dark blue that 
keeps my curtains alive tell me now why
the pot isn't allowed to call the petal black tell me why
things go too soon
tell me why everybody says to move on when
my heart aches my bones shake my mind spins and 
I think of that day like it was this morning at 
9 am I got the call, a train crashed into 
a bright blue ocean the ocean the ocean the ocean 
of a dark blue bottom. 
Where the octopus lives that's where I'll dwell
come visit sometime if you dare come see the depths of my soul
but pass a test. 
pass a test. 
370 days ago I learned to live
I learned to die 
an equilibrium equation for lifedeathinbetween
Thank you very much but I think I'll play russian roulette with my 
pens and ink and maybe a few paper cuts but I promise I'm not a cutter 
cut her deep to the bone. 
370 370 370
Get over it. 
Get over the sea of dark blue that seems to touch and go, skip over words
Get over the sea of dark blue that likes to replace red blood,
call me a freak I call myself hurt. 

April 17, 2012


Hello blogging world and poets that know me personally.

Yes. It is still me. "Manny" probably just followed all of you, and that's a.o.k. Promise. It's just me. Long story short, I needed to switch a few things around. All is well :)

PS. or it is KL? I don't know guys. But that new follower? Don't get too excited. It's just me.